Banquet Booking


For further details please contact Lucknow Golf Club office.

Corporate Membership would be given for 2 years on the premise that the Concerned Corporate would fully sponsor a Golf Tournament at an estimated cost of Rs. 7 Lacs per year. The Renewal of the Corporate Membership would be on the condition that Golf tournament has been sponsored. Rates of Corporate Membership would be as follows: Maximum Corporate Membership at any given time would be 10 and only Reputed Corporates to be extended such facility.
1 Person – 4 Lacs plus GST (For 2 Years)
Any additional person would be 4 Lacs plus GST for 2 years.
(Corporates to include Companies having an Annual Turnover in excess of Rs. 100 Crores).
Profile of Applicant to be vetted by the Managing Committee.

For further details please contact Lucknow Golf Office.

For further details please contact Lucknow Golf Office.

It was resolved to have tenure members in the club. Limited number of tenure memberships are given active golfers. Tenure membership is open to serving officials of Central / State Govt./ PSUs / reputed Corporate entities who are posted in Lucknow. Tenure membership will be given for a maximum of 2(two) years.For details please contact Lucknow Golf Club office